Illuminated Luxury Copy of Simon Vostre's Grandes Heures from 1508. Majestically Illuminated by Jean Pichore and his Workshop: Unique

Horae 96 in our Catalogue 50: Horae B. M. V. for the Use of Rome. Paris, for Simon Vostre, around 1508. Illuminated copy on vellum.

An incomparable copy in which all the large, small (more than 1.000) and border images are splendidly illuminated by a great master. This unique Book of Hours is preserved almost uncut with original gilt edges in a 16th century velvet binding.

This book is part of the largest collection of printed Books of Hours in the world, which is offered for sale en bloc.

The collection has been extensively documented in Catalogues No. 50 & 75 (nine volumes), available in our online shop.


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